
Welcome to Your Signature Self, a 6 week program designed to help you discover & develop your unique signature self.

What is Your Signature Self you ask?

In very short terms it is the version of you where you are now, blossoming into the Future version of YOU.

The Future version of you is YOU created on purpose.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

We will work on identifying your values, strengths, passions, & purpose, & overcoming any limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. We will then move on to defining your goals & vision for the future, creating your signature style, & building confidence & self-esteem.

Finally, we will focus on stepping forward with renewed purpose & power, ready to take on the world with confidence & clarity.

Are you ready to uncover Your Signature Self & unlock your full potential?

If you are, here is a little bit more information:

Week 1: Discover Your True Self
During this week, we will work on helping you to discover who you truly are. We will explore your values, strengths, passions, & purpose. By the end of this week, you will have a better understanding of yourself & what makes you unique.

Week 2: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
In week two, we will tackle the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. We will identify & address any negative self-talk, fears, or doubts that have been preventing you from reaching your full potential. By the end of this week, you will have a more positive & empowered mindset.

Week 3: Define Your Goals & Vision
This week, we will focus on defining your goals & vision for the future. We will explore what success means to you, define your ‘Outstanding Outcome’ & create a roadmap for achieving your goals. By the end of this week, you will have a clear picture of what you want to achieve & how you plan to get there.

Week 4: Creating Your Signature Style
In week four, we will work on developing your personal style & branding. We will explore what makes you unique & how you can showcase that in your personal & professional life. By the end of this week, you will have a clear understanding of your signature style & how to incorporate it into your life.

Week 5: Building Confidence & Self-Esteem
This week, we will focus on building your confidence & self-esteem. We will work on developing a positive self-image & self-talk. By the end of this week, you will feel more confident & empowered in all areas of your life.

Week 6: Stepping Forward with Purpose & Power
In our final week together, we will focus on stepping forward with renewed purpose & power. We will review your progress, celebrate your achievements, & create a plan for continuing your growth and success. By the end of this week, you will be ready to step into your new life with confidence & clarity.

This magical program does require you to participate fully & the more you put into the work the more powerful the transformation at the end.

What we include:
A welcome private Zoom call with Anne to discuss where you are now, your ideas, concerns & hopes for the future.
A weekly recorded lesson for 6 weeks, followed by some activities/exercises to do.
Access to Anne via Whats App for private questions & support
An end of programme private Zoom call with Anne to discuss your outcomes & future plans.

Count Me In!



This program is truly a gift to your future self & a chance to live an elevated life.

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